Saturday, October 29, 2011

My Person Feeling

In the world today it is more than a problem to me when we let so called Church Borthers and Sisters cut us down and try and make us feel less than our selfs I have had this done more than I would like.

In the last few weeks I haven't been able to do much for my self. Due to my Health Issues . I have saw people for who they really are. And heard how they have spoke to me. And I thought Mormons would Never down grade any one well I was so wrong.

I have been spoke to out of turn and told to me I am not worthy of much in the True Church. Well I will say this to them I forgive you and still love you.

I am a person of small means but will enough love and compassion to serve any where. I do see some callings in the True Church LARGE and do see some callings as SMALL. I may be poor and a LDS HOMOSEXAL But I still will serve even from my bed and wheelchair.

So I ask you to do the right thing and LET ME SERVE AS GOD WOULD HAVE LET THE BLIND SERVE.